Skims of time

In Visum, skims of time (Table 167) are administered in seconds. For skim matrices you can select the unit minutes or seconds.



Access time (ACT)

Time required for covering the origin connector

Egress time (EGT)

Time required for covering the destination connector

Sharing travel time (SHTT)

Time in a sharing vehicle The values are averaged over all public transport paths, not only the vehicle sharing paths, of an OD pair.

Sharing rental process time (SHAT)

Time spent on renting the vehicle. The values are averaged over all public transport paths, not only the vehicle sharing paths, of an OD pair.

Sharing return process time (SHET)

Time spent on returning the vehicle The values are averaged over all public transport paths, not only the vehicle sharing paths, of an OD pair.

DRT time (DRTT)

Time in DRT vehicle including the time required for entry and exit. It does not contain the wait time at the pickup node. The values are averaged over all PuT paths of an OD pair.

DRT wait time

Time the passenger waits for the arrival of the DRT vehicle This skim refers only to DRT path legs and is not averaged over the entire public transport demand on the relation.

Origin wait time (OWT)

Wait time at the start stop point (applies to the headway-based assignment only, as for the timetable-based procedure OWT = 0 is assumed)


For the timetable-based procedure, an adjusted origin wait time can be calculated (Adapted skims of time for the timetable-based assignment).

Weighted origin wait time

Product from the origin wait time and the weighting factor of the origin wait time in the settings for the impedance of the headway-based assignment. This skim is only available in the headway-based assignment.

Transfer wait time (TWT)

Wait time between arrival and departure at a transfer stop point


For the timetable-based procedure, the adjusted transfer wait time can be calculated additionally (Adapted skims of time for the timetable-based assignment).

Weighted transfer wait time

Product from the transfer wait time and the weighting factor of the transfer wait time in the settings for the impedance of the headway-based assignment. This skim is only available in the headway-based assignment.

Extended transfer wait time (XTWT)

Extended wait time according to the settings for the transfer wait time in the perceived journey time definition for the timetable-based assignment.

In-vehicle time (IVT)

Time spent inside PuT vehicles including dwell times at stops.

In-vehicle time by TSys (IVTT)

Time spent inside PuT vehicles of a certain public transport system.

PuT Aux time (XZ)

Run time with PuT Aux tansport systems

Walk time (WKT)

Walk time for transfer links between two stop points within a stop area or between different stop areas of a stop and on links in the network

Journey time (JRT)

Time between the departure from the origin zone and the arrival at the destination zone

JRT = ACT + OWT + ∑ IVT + ∑ TWT + ∑ WKT + EGT


For the timetable-based procedure, the adjusted journey time can be calculated additionally (Adapted skims of time for the timetable-based assignment).

Ride time (RIT)

Time between the departure from the origin stop point and the arrival at the destination stop point

RIT = ∑ IVT + ∑ TWT + ∑ WKT


For the timetable-based procedure, the adjusted journey time can be calculated additionally (Adapted skims of time for the timetable-based assignment).

Perceived journey time (PJT)

Perceived journey time (Perceived journey time)


Adaptation time (ADT)

Difference delta T between the desired departure time (desired arrival time) and the actual departure time (arrival time) using a departure-based (arrival-based) time reference.

Extended adaptation time (XADT)

Variant of the adaptation time which assumes that the entire demand of each time interval is assigned to the connection with the minimum impedance.

Risk of delay per person (RDP)

Expected extension of the connection duration calculated per person in minutes. Based on previously calculated PuT paths of the assignment and its rounded results.

Table 167: Skims of time

Adapted skims of time for the timetable-based assignment

The skims OWT, TWT, JRT and RIT in the form described above always refer to the real origin wait time and the real transfer wait time.

For the timetable-based assignment, the adapted variants of these skims are also available, which contain the terms that are currently set up in the perceived journey time definition (PJT) instead of the real origin and transfer wait times.

Unlike the real origin wait time which is constantly = 0 in the timetable-based procedure, the adapted origin wait time can differ from 0 because it depends on the number of connections provided in the assignment interval. The adapted transfer wait time depends on the user settings for „transfer wait time” and can thus be limited. Furthermore, it can be transformed implicitly by a polynomial for stronger weighting of extremely short wait times and for the definition of a certain wait time (for example five minutes) as the optimum.